Abbreviations used in Sea Vixen
- A & AEE: Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment.
- Adex: Air Defence Exercise
- AWF: All Weather Fighter
- A25: Accident Report.
- AWI: Air Warfare Instructor.
- AAR: Air to Air refueling.
- AG: Arrestor Gear.
- BATTLE FORMATION: A wide spaced transit formation used for Mutual Support and Good Lookout for a Division of Aircraft.
- BINGO: Term used for Aircraft Fuel Minimums as briefed.
- BOW CAT: One or Two Catapults on the Carriers Bow. Depending on Ship Configuration.
- BOLTER: Missed Deck Landing. (No Wire Engagement).
- CBGLO:Carrier Borne Ground Liason Officer (Army)
- CAP: Combat Air Patrol.
- CAPEX: CAP Exercise.
- CAT: Catapult.
- CCA: Carrier Controlled (Radar) Approach.
- CDR(AIR): Officer in Charge of Aviation. (Rank Commander)
- CO: Commanding Officer.
- DIVISION: Four Aircraft.
- DL: Deck Landing.
- DLPS: Deck Landing Projector Sight.
- DLP: Deck Landing Practice.
- DMP: Dockyard Maintainance Period.
- FAA: Fleet Air Arm.
- FAC: Forward Air Control.
- Fly1, Fly2, Fly3, Fly4: Parking areas on the Flight Deck.
- FLYCO: The "Control Tower" adjacent to the Ships Bridge on the Island.
- ISLAND: The Superstucture of the Aircraft Carrier, Starboard Side Midships.
- HLAI: High Level Air Interceptions.
- LLAI: Low Level Air Interceptions
- LL Nav: Low Level Navigation.
- LL Strike: A relaxed formation of up to 4 aircraft for maximum manoevrability.
- LSO: Landing Safety Officer
- MADDL: Mirror Assisted Dummy Deck Landings.
- MEATBALL: The 4° glide path (GP) light image on the DLPS that Carrier Pilots used as guidance.
- MHOW: Maximum Hook On Weight.
- MLS: Minimum Launch Speed
- ORI; Operational Readiness Inspection
- RAE: Royal Aircraft Establishment.
- ROUND DOWN: The stern of the Carrier where the Flight Deck Started.
- RN: Royal Navy.
- RNAS: Royal Naval Air Station.
- RNAY: Royal Naval Aircraft Yard.
- RNAW: Royal Naval Aircraft Workshop.
- RNR: Royal Navy Reserve.
- RP: Rocket Projectiles. Two inch High Explosive or 6 inch Illuminating.
- SECTION: Two Aircraft.
- SMP: Self Maintainance Period.
- SOBS: Senior Observer.
- SP: Senior Pilot.
- TAC R: Tactical Reconnaisance.
- 20° DB: Twenty Degree Dive Angle Attack for Dive Bombing.
- 10° DB: Ten Degree Dive Angle Attack for Dive Bombing.
- 20° RP: Twenty Degree Dive Angle Attack for Rocketing.
- 10° RP: Ten Degree Dive Angle Attack for Rocketing.
- QFI: Qualified Flying Instuctor
- WAIST CAT: The Port Side Catapult that follows the line of the Angled Deck.
- WAVE OFF: The order given by the LSO for an aircraft to discontinue the deck approach. i.e. Deck Pitching out of limits.
- XO: Executive Officer..