Fighter All Weather (FAW) of the Fleet Air Arm.

Mk 1 Sea Vixen of 893 Sqn, HMS Ark Royal off the Labrador coast. Barrier Engagement.
10th February 1961.

The following movie is from the archive of Lt (P) (AE) Richard T. Slatter RN. His name along with S/Lt (O) Ed. Proctor is painted on the port side under the pilots cockpit of this Sea Vixen Mk 1 of 893 Sqn Side Number 462, as was the custom for a normally teamed crew.

The crew on this occasion was Lt (P) (AE) Richard Slatter RN and Lt (O) Tony Peebles RN

The aircraft ends up with the nose only inches away from the Island Structure with the nose oleo collapsed and the starboard wing damaged on impact with the island.

The movie sequence has 7 photographs. To enable downloads for members they can all be found in the "Gallery 893 Sqn". This incident has been filed in the accidents section because "The life's of aircrew were endangered"


Sea Vixen MK1 Barrier

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