893 Squadron to HMS Victorious. 6th and 7th Commission 1963 to 1966.
- The 6th Commission 12th June 1963.
- A Winter refit at Portsmouth Dockyard completed and with a new Deck Landing Projector sight, HMS Victorious left UK and sailed to Gibraltar on 14th Aug 1963 under the command of Captain P.M. Compston RN, after exercises in the Portsmouth sea areas. 893 Sqn embarked under the command of Lt. Cdr. K.E. Kemp RN.
- Berthed Gibraltar, then via Malta, entered Suez Canal 21st August 1963. Met HMS Hermes homeward bound at southern end of Suez Canal.
- 26th August 1963 entered Aden for Self Maintainance Period. (SMP)
- 4th September, sailed from Aden flying stations. Day/Night flying stations 10th September. Night Operations considered easier than their previous ship HMS Centaur (from squadron records). 893 Sqn exercised with the CBGLO team ashore conducting FAC training. First work up.
- 14th September. Entered Aden. Shore leave.
- 16th September sailed from Aden, fast passage to Singapore due increasing tensions with Indonesia and Malaysia, via Maldives and Nicobar islands. Flying stations northern Malacca Straits. Met HMS Ark Royal homeward bound steaming west.
- Early October entered Singapore. 893 Sqn disembarked to RAF Tengah. Continuation flying. Ship under SMP.
- 16th October 1963 sailed from Singapore, passage to Hong Kong.
- 23rd October 893 Sqn disembarked to Kai Tak airport for 14 days.
- 8/11th November Subic Bay, Phillipines for the second ships work up.
- "In Oct/Nov 1963 I was temporarily based at USN Cubi Point, Subic Bay where I was (as an AA1) i/c of an 893 Sqn Detachment Crew whilst Victorious was on a "Work-up period". I had 1 then 3 A/C to turn around. AA1 Vian Curtis. March 2011
- One Third squadron changover of personnel late November
- Christmas 1963 at Singapore
- 2nd Jan 64 sailed from Singapore via Gan for Zanzibar in support for the overthrown Government. HMS Centaur was also in the area in support against Dar es Salaam mutinies. There was also unrest in Kenya and Uganda. HMS Albion also there with RM Commando support. Mombassa SMP. Partial disembarkation of 893 Sqn to Mombassa Airfield. Some aircraft had remained with the RN Holding Unit at RAF Tengah and re-embarked on 22nd February 1964.
- After an eight day passage the ship arrived west coast Malaysia at Langkawi, 1st March 1964. Commonwealth fleet assembled and conducted flying exercises prior to entering Singapore mid March for SMP. 893 Sqn disembarked 19th March 1964 to RAF Tengah, Singapore.
- Easter at Singapore.
- 13th April 1964, sailed from Singapore. Large Air Defence Exercise. (ADEX) off Singapore with HMS Centaur. Involved some Centaur Vixens cross decked with Victorious. Ship continued to Hong Kong. 893 Sqn disembarked 8 Aircraft 23rd April 1964 to Kai Tak. Air group Anzac day flypast.
- 6th May 1964, sailed from Hong Kong to Japan. through the straits of Formosa to Yokosuka US Navy base. Exercised with US Navy before Port of call. A further short exercise then to Subic Bay Phillipines.
- Major exercise with 90 ships of SEATO (2 weeks) 893 conducted intense flying providing CAP, FAC, Strike and Fighter escort for major US Marine landings in the Philippines. AAR with C130’s and many other types. During Exercise LIGTAS they provided 187 sorties, 257 hours and 10 mins flying, often having 9 aircraft airborne.
- 12th June 1964 squadrons disembarked to Singapore.
- During this 6th commission the ship achieved 159 days at sea, 62,000 miles and 2362 Catapult Launches. 893 Sqn achieved 1553 sorties and 2001 hours flying.
- HMS Victorious was required to remain at the Far East Station and so after almost 18 months the ships crew was re-commissioned by air from the UK to Singapore for the 7th Commission August 1964
- There was a change of Commanding officer to Captain Davenport RN. 7th Commission August 1964.
- 22nd January 1965. Sea Vixen Lost at Night. Both crew killed. ID 12.
- 21st April 1965. Sea Vixen Lost. Observer Killed. Pilot safe. ID 15.
- In November 1965 HMS Victorious was in refit in Portsmouth Dockyard and Commissioned April 7th 1966 for the 8th and final commission
- Information required for the missing period from August 1964 until November 1965
Ships Track Chart 1963 to 1964